How To Obtain More Qualified Candidates

How To Obtain More Qualified Candidates

More than a quarter (27%) of Australian businesses are having difficulty finding suitable staff.
The most frequently reported reason was a lack of applicants (74%), followed by applicants not having the
required skills (66%), international border closures (32%) and job location (29%). (1)

Why are there a lack of applicants?

• 70% of the global workforce is made up of passive talent who aren’t actively job searching, and the remaining 30% are active job seekers.
• 87% of active and passive candidates are open to new job opportunities. (2)

Most employees are receptive to new job opportunities however they are not actively looking for new roles.
If employees are not actively looking for new job opportunities, is it an effective recruitment strategy to place
advertisements on a job board and expect enough applicants to apply?
Of the 30% of employees actively looking for new job opportunities, the three main methods used to look for new
jobs are online job boards (60%),
social professional networks (56%), and word of mouth (50%). (3)
It appears that potentially only 18% of candidates at any one time are looking for work using job boards.


What is the number one way for candidates find work?

The number one-way people discover a new job is through a referral (4) and 35 % of employees refer vacancies to help their friends (5).

The way to ensure you obtain more job applicants is to ask your employees to refer your vacancy to one of their friends.

Additionally, you could reach out to employees who are not actively looking for a new role and ask them to refer
your job vacancy to a friend.

This is not poaching, this is approaching and promoting your vacancy.


What is poaching?

Poaching is luring someone out of their current role where they are happily engaged.
Poaching is the activity of overcoming the employee’s objections and enticing them out of their current role.


How to obtain more applicants?

Advertisements are a crucial tool in making a potential candidate aware what the job opportunity entails,

however, the advertisement needs to be promoted.

The best way to promote an advertisement is to ask people, some of whom may not be actively looking for a new
job, to refer your role to a friend and to add a link to your advertisement.







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